Memphis Playboy Casting Call

Today we’re going to the Southwestern corner of Tennessee to the city of Memphis.  The cutest girls there have all been asked to queue up for a Playboy Casting Call, let’s take a look at these Memphian girls and admire their talent.  You’ll get to see how daring these girls are!  If you’d like to see the full uncensored pics in Hi Res, along with Behind the Scenes videos for each girl, it’s just $1, to gain your username and password first click HERE, then once you’ve signed in, head to Special Editions > Casting Calls > Memphis.  Now enjoy the fun as you get to see the girls who are too nice for porn; they only take it off for Playboy!

Nikki at the Memphis Playboy Casting Call
Nikki's Casting Call in Memphis
Jessica at the Memphis Playboy Casting Call
Jessica poses at the Memphis Playboy Casting Call
Miranda takes it all off at the Playboy Casting Calls in Memphis
Memphis Girl Miranda Takes it All Off for Playboy
Regina Poses at the Casting Calls in Memphis
Busty Regina Poses at the Playboy Casting Calls in Memphis
Amber Poses for Playboy
Amber Poses at the Memphis Playboy Casting Call
Alysia takes it off for one time only at her Casting Call
Memphis Girl Alysia agrees to take it all off for one time only at her Playboy Casting Call
Anita in her Underwear at the Memphis Casting Calls
Anita is about to remove her underwear at the Memphis Playboy Casting Calls
Arkasha at the Memphis Playboy Casting Call
Memphis Casting Call Girl Arkasha
Virginia in a Bikini at the Playboy Casting Calls in Memphis
Virginia is about to be asked to remove her Bikini for Playboy

To see the uncensored photos of each girl (including a hot behind the scenes video of her) it’s just $1.  To gain access, you’ll need a username and password which you can get by clicking HERE, once you’ve logged in, go to Special Editions > Casting Calls > Memphis and enjoy the fun!

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